Freelancers A to Z #024. Tips to Build Your Freelance Reputation
Freelancers all over the world are looking for ways to make their mark. They want to start a business where they have a chance to do what they love and serve those who need work done.
As a freelancer, you want to present the best work, not disappointing clients. At the same time, you do not want to be disappointed by others as well. Sure, you are your own boss.
Here are pretty nifty tips and tricks that would help you when you establish your freelance business. From dealing with late payments to building trust.
How to Deal with Late Payments as a Freelancer?
As a freelancer, you need to know how to deal with late payments and this article points it out. The first thing is getting Net 30, says the blog. When you have Net 30, you give the client a window where they can make their payment in 30 days.
That is a great way to keep track of your pending payments. The article points out seven nifty ways to track and deal with late payments.
First, it says to make up a very good contract where you give them the time and they have the guarantee. Second, the article says, it comes up with a time frame within which you should be paid.
That makes the tracking easier. You can also ask for upfront or side-by-side payment and even full payment once you deliver the items. As a freelancer, you need to know your options. And another great option the blog suggests is the late payment fee.
That means if the client does not meet the mark, they have to pay extra. Lastly, you can go the conventional way and send reminders of payment. These different ways to deal and track your payment would mean you are guaranteed payment orders.
How to Know Whether Your Freelance Business Is Growing?
As a freelancer, you are always looking for ways to understand how well your business is growing. This article deals with KPI or the Key Performance Indicator, helping you track your freelance business’ growth.
This website gives you four basic KPIs. Profit, growth, and social media are the basics. You can also check your hour-per-rate clients.
Checking these points would give you great ideas of your freelance business’ growth. You can also check your hourly rate and how much work you get from clients. Are there new clients or are you still working for old ones?
Another way to check your freelance growth is by avoiding vanity metrics, says the article. You can also keep your KPI on the lookout with excel sheets. This is a great way to track how much you have grown as a freelancer.
14 Must-Have Chrome Extensions for Freelancers That Will Boost Your Productivity
If you are a freelancer, there is a chance that you have once in your career witnessed a block. That block lowers your morale and most importantly, your productivity. This trusted website gives you 14 very reliable chrome extensions to increase productivity, making you give the best work.
With Focus and Productivity Owl, the article says, you can enjoy a no distraction work zone where your priority would be to get work done and the extension would allow that.
Timewarp alongside AND CO are two amazing time tracking extensions mentioned by the website that give you reminders and track your time, respectively.
If you are able to Focus by not visiting sites, then you also need to look at Noisli that steers you away from environmental distractions. Taco is a great way to create your tasks and keep track.
And if you want to make notes, says the article, try using Google Keep or Papier. You can use Grammarly to make sure your content is spot on and without fault.
The blog also recommends Boomerang Google and Checker Plus. Boomerang Google schedules and sends emails for you and Checker Plus combines all your emails from different accounts in one place. You no longer have to change tabs anymore.
If you have a lot of tabs open then you need OpenTab, says the article. All your open tabs in one place. We also have been recommended Pocket by the article.
Here you can save all those pending articles you want to read later. And finally, we have Nimbus which the article says is a great way to show your article the work. These simple yet effective extensions are pretty amazing.
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How to Find Your Next Freelance Gig on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is an amazing site that has helped a lot of people in establishing their online presence. But it is not just for that! LinkedIn is a great way for freelancers to land a job! This article says that to land a job, you need to make a LinkedIn profile that would help you stand out.
That means you add your experience, your skills, and what makes you different.
Then, the article says, you need to fill out the “open to working section”. That would get you, clients. After personalizing your profile and job application, the article says to research the companies you would want to work with.
After you are done with the basics, the blog says that you need to develop a network that would give you a chance to mingle with other people and help you connect with clients.
Update your availability, mingle with industry-related groups on LinkedIn, and share valuable content as a freelancer that would land you more work and clients.
Interacting with others and reaching out to hiring managers on LinkedIn, says the article, is another great way to attract clients and build your freelance business from the ground up!
How to Build Trust and Establish Yourself as a Reliable Freelance Business Partner?
Want to keep working for the same client? And hoping to build your clientele business? For that, you need to build trust with your clients as a freelancer.
This article gives you the perfect recipe needed to build that trust and establish yourself as a reliable business partner. You need to have a credible and reliable source that would make your mark as a potential freelancer.
The article, then, points out that authenticity and commitment are another great way to build and establish trust. Once you show you are a hard worker, you would be trusted with work. Grit and reciprocity, says the article, is the basis of building trust.
They ensure the client that you mean business and you are willing to present the best. Communication, the blog says, is key to establish trust. Do not keep your client in the dark. Communicate with them to understand their needs and deliver accordingly.
All work and no play…
The last thing I would like to share with you is music. It has a special place in my life. For that reason I listen to music when I work. Hoverer, as some of you already know, it’s also because I want to cut off the noise caused by my neighbors.
This week some calm sounds to chill in these crazy times. Enjoy!
Last but not least: in the next issue your playlist can appear in this place. So leave in comments your favourite music that you love to listen when you work.
One last thing
In the comments below let me know what do you think about this issue of Freelancers A to Z. Tell me what do you like, what is not so good, what do you want more of. I need to know everything.
Also, if you like it, please sign up for updates, so that you will not miss the next post. Click the button below.
The next issue will be available in two weeks.
Take care and have a nice time
Mariusz from the Time Continuum App