Freelancers A to Z #023. Boost your Freelance Business this year
Working as a freelancer means dealing with a lot of clients and trying to stay at the top of your game.
As a freelancer, you would always want to give the best to your clients with the hope of getting more clients.
But that also means you need to stay organized, know your work, and establish yourself as a worthy freelancer.
Whether it is about staying organized and keeping all your projects in check or handling the stress of the work that you get.
Here are some amazing and easy-to-read articles that can help you with your freelance business.
Using Trello to organize your freelance business or trying to figure out a way to detox from all the stress.
Six Amazing Tips on How to Get Clients Online.
As a freelancer, you would always be looking for ways to boost your client base. The more clients, the more work you get trusted with. But how do you get them? This article lists down six amazing ways to get clients online.
The first place the article recommends to look for a client is craigslist. A site everyone uses and is familiar with. We also have networking events powered by Facebook or Twitter or Instagram.
Plus, the article points out that you can visit sites that most clients like to visit to see their interest and make your mark as a potential freelancer. But to get higher-level clients, this blog also gives you great alternatives.
Come up with and post referrals that would mean more clients would like to see your work. You can use Facebook campaigns and hashtags to get more clients and show them your work. This article gives you great points that you can use to make sure you get the clients you are looking for.
How to Live Stress-Free Life as a Freelancer?
Managing stress as a freelancer is one thing that is difficult to get used to.
But once you do, you can live a stress-free life and make your earning as a freelancer. Here is your chance to detox and manage a stress-free life as a freelancer.
This article gives amazing pointers that you can take with yourself to destress from all the workload.
First? The article urges you to take control over projects and your tasks at hand.
From the smallest thing to what is your top priority, take control over them and show them who’s boss!
The article also asks you to do the best friend test where you would recommend something to a friend and also focus on the fundamentals.
What are the things that you need to work on first and what are the last?
That is how, the article says, you can make sure you do not overstress. That is not all!
The article also asks you to self-soothe and exercise as well as to cut down the tasks you are done with. You cannot give your best with a lot of stress.
The article makes great points for you to follow and now you know what you need to do to get your projects back on track as a freelancer.
Are You a Freelance Developer? Learn How to Get Things Done with Github.
Github is the next big thing for freelancers out there!
You can get a lot of work from clients all over the world. And this is how freelancers can now use Github to get work done.
This article is the thing you need to list down all you need to know about Github. You may be wondering what it is.
You get projects from all over the world with a cloud-based system that welcomes collaboration!
It is a community that freelancers use to connect and exchange work. But how does it help freelancers?
Well, the article says you can build a reputation and connect with different people.
Plus, it is a place where you can learn new skills to make your freelance business grow.
The article gives you different tips and tricks that can help you to make your Github.
The article asks you to jot down your information and skills, tell them you focus on content, and add a readme file on your profile.
That is all and you are good to go! The article also gives you different pictures you can use as an example.
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How to Stay Organized with Trello?
As a freelancer, there is a sure chance that you get a lot of work.
And keeping track of that work plus organizing it is difficult. Trello is the best option for freelancers to stay organized!
Trello is an application that has helped many freelancers in staying organized and at the top of their game.
This article tells you how to use Trello and after telling you what Trello is it gives you simple steps.
The first it says is that Trello keeps your notes organized in one place. That means all your projects and deadlines are all set for you in one place.
Another very cool thing pointed out by the article related to Trello is that it works great for collaboration.
Yes, you can collaborate with other freelancers with the Trello app.
You can also go solo and list down your pending tasks, says the article.
There are different tools you can use to organize your work on Trello and the article lists them down.
Add colors, images, and utilize public interaction. Other than this, you can use amazing Trello themes to fit each project.
The blog makes great suggestions on how to use Trello power-ups and even offers an example template.
7 Why Do You Need an Accountant as a Freelancer?
This article gives out amazing pointers and reasons why hiring an accountant is important for freelancers.
First and foremost, the article says that hiring an accountant means saving yourself some valuable time.
Instead of doing everything yourself, you have someone else to do it for you.
Plus, you would want an expert in the field to handle the accounts of your freelance business.
This article points out how you can have all your accounts handled, save yourself time, and that too with an expert who can guarantee good work and result.
All work and no play…
The last thing I would like to share with you is music. It has a special place in my life. For that reason I listen to music when I work.
This week I have for you this great piece of motion picture music by Max Richter. Enjoy!
Last but not least: in the next issue your playlist can appear in this place. So leave in comments your favorite music that you love to listen when you work.
One last thing
In the comments below let me know what do you think about this issue of Freelancers A to Z. Tell me what do you like, what is not so good, what do you want more of. I need to know everything.
Also, if you like it, please sign up for updates, so that you will not miss the next post. Click the button below.
The next issue will be available in two weeks.
Take care and have a nice time
Mariusz from the Time Continuum App