Freelancers A to Z #021. Most Important Tips & Tricks For Freelancers in 2021
Entering the world of freelancing or fairly new to it? Do you only see drawbacks and are thinking of backing out? Do not stress, at all!
Freelancing is a growing business and every unique skill and experience is adored.
As a freelancer, you get to work with different people from around the globe and get to work on diverse projects.
It is a way to earn money and more experience. Selling your talents online is a great way to make a living. But you need to know how to be a freelancer that is successful and adored.
Interacting with people in your domain, making decisions that are helpful, and managing stress is a way to make sure you reach the top.
These tips would give you a clear idea of how to do better as a freelancer.
How to Build (or Find) a Freelance Community?
As a freelancer, you need to have a community where you can interact and talk to people in the same work field as you.
Not only do you have a way to relieve the burden but you also interact with different people all over the world.
Building a freelance community is exactly what you need to get back on track. This article lists down different ways you can build a community offline and online.
To build an online community you can start writing blogs on sites like a medium where other freelancers can interact with you.
The blog post also lists that by joining a professional Facebook group and joining a Slack channel, you can interact with different people and look for our sign up for new work.
Lastly, the way to build an online community is by teaching online and building rapport. The article also lists four possible ways to build a freelance community offline.
You can attend a meetup and even join a co-working place like WeWork. These offline sites are ways to interact with freelancers in your area and learn from them.
You can also join the Freelancer’s union Hive or attend a creative morning lecture, the blog says.
By interacting with different people interested in the same domain as you are, you can get lots of work done and stay motivated.
Making Important Decisions 101 for Freelancers
Freelancers have to deal with making fruitful decisions all the time.
From time to time, they are presented with different situations where they need to contemplate and not let over-optimism affect their thinking.
This article relates how freelancers can be amazing decision-makers without the fear of being let down.
Not letting biases affect our thinking process and decision-making, this article states that you need to replace personal experiences with data and occasionally conduct rigorous conductive data to make sure that your preferences do not hinder your work.
The article also points out that by owning the outcome and being your critic, you can take control of the situation and come up with a better solution.
Freelancers have a fast-paced lifestyle and that means usually making hasty decisions that you then regret.
The art of proper decision-making can make your freelance business grow, you just need to know how to use it.
The Best Bank Accounts for Freelancers
Looking for a bank that can help you as a freelancer? Look no further, these seven banks are deemed to be the best for freelancers out there.
As a freelancer, you need a business online bank account where you can keep your personal and business affairs separate.
Where you want your money to be safe you also want to make sure that you can keep tabs on the expenses.
This article understands the importance and lists down possible banks that you can trust with pros and cons.
First and foremost, we have TransferWise which is used by freelancers where there is no additional fee check and you can check your invoice regularly.
The blog also lists down Revolut and N26 as potential online banks that have proven to be extremely helpful for freelancers.
Revolut has the pro of recognizing thirty different currencies and N26, a German-based company, does not have a transaction fee.
The article also lists Monese which is available in 14 different languages and takes 2-3 hours to make a transfer.
After Monese we have the famous PayPal which has an easy setup and is available in 200 countries all over the world.
The article also lists Azlo which has no fees in foreign countries and Axos which has no maintenance fees.
These online banks have proven to be the most trustworthy and reliable and as a freelancer, you may want to check them out.
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Why You Should Join a Freelancer Community on Slack?
Slack is on the rise in this time and age where remote working is everyone’s go-to.
As a freelancer, you can join slack communities to boost your freelancer business and invite more clients.
Slack is an online chatting community, app, and site that is used by companies and is extremely helpful for remote employees or home-based businesses.
Slack has proven to help a number of freelancers when they join freelance communities and have helped their business grow.
By interacting with different clients, signing up for different work, and building a rapport with other freelancers, you can grow your work and invite more people.
Sharing different client stories or finding people undergoing a similar problem like you are is always the best.
There are numerous free workspaces on Slack that you can join and be a part of as a freelancer. Join one and your freelancing business will soon grow.
Top Tips for Freelancers on How to Handle and Reduce Stress
A pretty common misconception of freelancers is that because you are your own boss, you don’t get as stressed.
If you are a freelancer, you’d relate and negate this claim because stress is a part of our life.
Being able to manage your stress as a freelancer is one of the best ways to zen out and get work done.
This article lists down different ways you can manage stress and let go of the work that is looming over your head.
For example, the blog says that by meditating you can relax and find peace in your mind. You need to take out time to make time and get work done.
Having a five-minute break will not cause many issues. This article urges you to be mindful by being grateful and by working out.
A great way to relieve and manage stress is by giving yourself a quiet and peaceful time.
You can have a full-fledge hour or have mini-meditation breaks in between to make sure you are on track and are not over-stressed.
The article also points out that by focusing on your breathing you can alleviate anxiety and get back on track.
Last but not least, the blog urges you to put your phone aside and succumb to a deep slumber.
Sleep is a way to remain relaxed and happy.
These tips and tricks ensure that you manage your stress and do not procrastinate any work.
All work and no play…
The last thing I would like to share with you is music. It has a special place in my life. For that reason I listen to music when I work. However, as some of you already know, it’s also because I want to cut off the noise caused by my neighbors.
This week some I’d like to invite you to take a journey through time with Brian Eno and his iconic film music.
Last but not least: in the next issue your playlist can appear in this place. So leave in comments your favourite music that you love to listen when you work.
One last thing
In the comments below let me know what do you think about this issue of Freelancers A to Z. Tell me what do you like, what is not so good, what do you want more of. I need to know everything.
Also, if you like it, please sign up for updates, so that you will not miss the next post. Click the button below.
The next issue will be available in two weeks.
Take care and have a nice time
Mariusz from the Time Continuum App