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Freelancers A to Z #014. 5 Tips on How To Grow Your Freelance Business Like a Pro

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Sitting in front of your laptop, secluded to one singular area, and working on similar projects. That is the image people have drawn to represent freelancing, an image that does not do the business any justice.

Freelancing is more than just ‘boring work’ it is a way through which you channel your skill and your strong points. Freelancing gives you a chance to mingle with different clients and freelancing friends who would understand the nature of your work.

Where stepping out of your comfort zone seems daunting, freelancing allows you to test the water before your dive deep. Don’t be misled by the picture that is drawn to scare you from freelancing.

You will not know what it like until you try it. You may come across difficult clients, limited work, and other issues but that is something that is also recurring in your typical 9 to 5 job.

With these tips you can easily become the top-grossing freelance, making it all worthwhile.


Top 5 Podcasts for Freelancers

Listening to podcasts as you go on about your day is the best way to kill time and be productive. But the question that arises is which podcasts should freelancers listen to?

One that is informative, motivating, and gives you the push to do more and more work. This website lists down five podcasts for freelancers to listen to and enjoy for free. The podcasts listed by the website are The Accidental Creative, Clients from Hell, The Freelance Podcast, Being Boss, and The Six-Figure Freelancer.

These free podcast websites list the ways through which you can work towards an established business. The reason the website listed these short, precise, and informative podcasts is to motivate freelancers to do better and to tackle situations.

Moreover, the article makes it a point to determine these podcasts also answer queries posed by many people out there. Podcasts, in today’s time, is a great way to pass time, and listening to a podcast while working on a project can help you to do better.


How to Build Credibility and Boost Your Freelance Business?

Building credibility as a freelancer is a hefty task but the result is always fruitful if close attention is paid. Credibility is vital to make sure that your freelance business and skill stand out. How can you build your credibility?

For one, the website states that you should make your website stand out from the rest of the crowds by representing quality content and by boosting your freelance business. The latter can be done but posting testimonials and recommendations from your friends and family.

The website also suggests that you make your educational background standout so that clients are aware of your work and what you excel in. Being professional and create your voice where you can showcase your public accomplishments.

The article aims to represent ideas through which you can not only create a credible persona in the freelance world but also gain more clients. The website emphasizes that freelancers should stick to their rates and not to alter your agreed amount because you do not deserve less than what you have done.

Negotiations, says the article, are understandable but do not aim for a lower price point. Last but not least, perhaps the most vital way to ensure that your credibility as a freelancer is intact is by creating contracts. This protects you and your client from any discrepancy and gives you a chance to showcase your professionalism.

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Five Freelance Friends Everyone in the Industry Should Have

Where the image that freelancers do not have a life outside of their home is utterly wrong, making freelance friends is extremely important to stay on track. The article suggests five freelance friends everyone in the industry should have.

The one friend who knows you inside out and the ones you group up with. The former gives you honest feedback and exchanging ideas becomes easier with each project and the latter gives you a chance to mingle with those who understand freelancing.

The article also posits that freelancers should make new friends for more project ideas, focus, and more connections with the ever-growing freelance world. Making freelance friends, as per the article, would also mean contacting people you have never met.

You do not have to meet in real life to establish a connection but you can get more ideas and stay updated. Lastly, the article makes a point by saying that freelancers should be friends with those who you are planning to meet.

Establishing a rapport with other freelancers can help you immensely by boosting your confidence and listing more ideas to make sure that your freelance business reaches its peak.

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How to Maintain Work-Life Balance as a Freelancer While Working from Home?

When you become a freelancer, balancing work and your other activities can become a challenge that may seem hard to overcome. A lot of freelancers get caught up in this web of imbalance and find it hard to detangle themselves from it.

In order to attain the perfect work-life balance, freelancers should create an office so that you do not work from your bed and have your essentials situated in one place. The article also suggests that freelancers create their own work ethic at home which may seem a bit confusing but is fairly simple.

Determine the time which is dedicated to working for client and meetings, and when to enjoy your leisure activities. Not being able to balance your work and other activities can strain your mind because you may not feel relaxed at all.

Inculcating this balance would help you to not only do your work productively but also have more ideas. The article makes interesting points where freelancers can look for different ways through which you can ensure the balance you need and desire.


Top Financial Tips for Millennials Who Work as Freelancers

Going on a shopping spree as a millennial when you have money sounds amazing but the damage that it does on your bank account is scary. Here are some financial tips for millennials in freelancing.

Finding out where your money is going, says the article, is one way through which you can cut your costs and make sure that you spend your money on useful items.

As a freelancer, your expenses on personal and business-related items are mixed up which is why you need to separate them beforehand. The article also points out that you should keep emergency savings ready just in case and also to work towards your financial goals wisely instead of spending on a whim.

Adulthood is hard, yes but it teaches you a thing or two about finance, and another tip listed on this website is giving yourself an allowance and spending your money at a limited rate. Moreover, the website suggests that new freelancers should introduce more clients who have higher rates and solve your financial issues as soon as possible in batches.

Lastly and perhaps the most important part as listed by the website is to save for your retirement. Sounds boring, I know but if you are aiming to be a freelancer and making it a means of income then you need to save enough for a comfortable life. No one said that adulting was easy but it can also be fun, you’ll see.


All work and no play…

The last thing I would like to share with you is music. It has a special place in my life. For that reason I listen to music when I work. Hoverer, as some of you already know, it’s also because I want to cut off the noise caused by my neighbors.

This week… Katy Perry! Brace yourself! It’s joyful, pop and full of beats :)

Last but not least: in the next issue your playlist can appear in this place. So leave in comments your favourite music that you love to listen to when you work.

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One last thing

In the comments below let me know what do you think about this issue of Freelancers A to Z. Tell me what do you like, what is not so good, what do you want more of. I need to know everything.

Also, if you like it, please sign up for updates, so that you will not miss the next post. You can find the form below.

The next issue will be available in two weeks.

Take care and have a nice time

Mariusz from the Time Continuum App

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