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Freelancers A to Z #012. The Power of Choosing the Right Niche and Why You Should Have Savings as a Freelancer.

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It’s nothing short of a miracle that today the entire world is connected with each other through the internet. You could post a cute video of your dog, and it would probably even reach all the way to Antarctica.

There is nothing that you cannot do with the Internet, which is both the beauty and the horror of it. However, a demurer use of it is freelancing.

As a freelancer you’d be self-employed and offer services to the client through the internet. Most of us are glued to our laptop and mobile screens anyway, imagine getting paid for that!

You can put your skills and experience to work and build a clientele. Say goodbye to any and all restrictions that one may face while working for a company!

A flexible work hour, gigs of your own choice, no boss or co-workers? What more could the perfect job entail.

Therefore, it comes as no surprise that it is the freedom that freelancing provides which attracts people from around the world!

You can now work in the familiarity of your own home, at your own pace and time (but as long as you meet the deadline). Perks such as these have people flocking on the internet to become freelancers.

A person is a single employer, his own boss, and deals with multiple clients on terms that he sees fit?

What more could anyone possibly ask for? The personal and professional autonomy is so unparalleled that maybe, you would think about mixing in your professional life with your personal one, just this once.


Why You Should Start Saving Money as a Freelancer?

The most crucial factor that contributes to making a successful freelancer is patience. Widely known as a 'virtue,' patience in professional settings brings a whole new soul into whatever you do.

This website reminds you of the fact that it takes time to build the necessary trust of the clients and establish a healthy and strong reputation, just like any other job.

The blog gives you some much-needed financial advice and suggests that as the income generated from freelancing in the first year is slow. It would do you good to have savings that can help you sail smoothly over the rough times. A hefty amount of savings can go a long way in providing a steady income when the progress is slow.

Besides, a person who starts a freelancing career has other expenses to fret about, such as building a captivating website, buying business cards, and much more. The list never seems to end!

As mentioned in the blog, when one starts earning from freelancing, some money should always be saved to support you in case of any emergency or dry periods in which the earning from the freelancing is less than usual.

The blog acts like the financial handling class that we all wanted in high-school but never got, and tells us about one secret trick when it comes to taxes.

A standard rule of thumb would imply that 30% of your earning should become a part of your savings and used to pay off taxes. In this case, saving might have you labeled a penny pitcher, but better be that than a fool that soon parts from his money. 


Choose a Niche and Become an Expert Freelancer

In order to guarantee and maximize the success of the freelancing business, you must be willing to specialize and become an expert in a field that suits you the best.

This blog points out exactly that. Unbeknownst to some, it is a primary and essential aspect of this job that a creative person must be able, and more than that willing, to do regardless of their niche.

You would have to truly become a jack of all trades. This is important for several reasons as it allows the clients to recognize you by the area of expertise. A client looking to develop a logo for their company would not likely contact a jack of all trades as it leads to low expectations.

The blog shows you the other side of the picture as well. How on the other hand, a person specializing in their specific field would be preferred as it will provide the best quality of work. Being good at one or several aspects of the industry can help increase the prices drastically and improve in dedicating the personal time to polish up on the specialized field and attract more clients.

The blog entails further advantages of specializing in your field, as it can help distinguish a person from the rest by providing services that only a few aspects of the business do. In simple terms, always remember to be unique in your own individual way, but don't lose sight of the crowd.

There will be plenty of others who will be able to do the same thing as you; the important thing to keep in mind is to make sure you stand out from the rest of them. Leave your own spark, one that no one shall ever take away from you.

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For Creative Freelancers: Use Social Media to Promote Your Work

It is a widespread misconception that the clients do not look for a freelancer while on social media. Getting distracted by our Facebook account, twitter, or even Instagram is something that we are all guilty of, even the toughest and rowdiest of bosses. This blog shifts our attention to this important point.

It's no surprise that one of the most accessible networks will also develop into something that is akin to a digital job fair. Oddly enough, however, most freelancers who are treading the water consider social media as a non-option. However, in reality, social media websites such as Instagram and Facebook are an excellent stage to show off one's work and bring the spotlight on the job done.

Similar to one's own portfolio, a freelancer can publish his or her artwork, design projects, and so much more. Publishing one's work on social media proves to be quite helpful as it can widen the horizon of possible clients and also gives international recognition. Social media is a platform by which hard work is promoted and allows for a diverse pool of clients from around the world.

Just keep an eye out for possible work while scrolling through social media and promote yourself sufficiently, that is all the website asks of you!

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How to Regain Your Motivation?

Losing one's motivation is a genuine problem that is common among freelancers, as the website points out. There is minimal, almost little to none certainty concerning the monthly income obtained.

Losing motivation is especially the case when one has signed up with the hope of earning money and has not developed a passion for his area of expertise—a loss in motivation results in a catastrophic setback to the growth of a freelancer in the industry. Though it may sound easier said than done, motivation and unrelenting fervor will take you to new heights.

Simply enough, a lack of motivation cannot get you to achieve real success. To not end up frustrated, the blog suggests that you must try and learn to grow a burning passion that won't easily give out for the field and ensure that the work you do is what they love.

It refreshes the fact that a freelancing business requires patience as its key elements, as mentioned before. One must surround themselves with positive energy as it can have a positive effect. To stay motivated and on top of the game, one must remind themselves of their hopes and aspirations to push them further and help them achieve success in the long run, according to the blog.


Crucial Advice Every Freelancer Has to Keep in Mind

The journey to becoming a successful freelancer is taxing, long-drawn, and has its ups and downs. The important advice that this website imparts is how one needs to be patient in every field of freelancing. This includes having the patience to let the client decide on the best possible resource.

It is also important to mention that one must take setbacks and rejections as lessons and learn from them. You must use the time provided effectively and brush up on your skills as a freelancer. The journey to becoming a trusted and successful freelancer does not come easy.

There are many times when a freelancer faces rejection; however, to excel in this industry, one must be comfortable with being uncomfortable. The failures should only serve as a lesson so that after hard work and determination, the ultimate goal of becoming a successful solopreneur can become a reality, as said in the blog.

So, start your journey to be your own boss now, where the only colleague drama would be ensued by none other than your dog; but chances are that you would get along with this co-worker of yours.


All work and no play…

The last thing I would like to share with you is music. It has a special place in my life. For that reason I listen to music when I work. However, as some of you already know, it’s also because I want to cut off the noise caused by my neighbors.

This year The Knife are celebrating their 20th birthday. They’ve created a special playlist to celebrate it. As they said:

We’ve picked out some tracks that we still feel something for, whether it’s wowawiwa, embarrassment, joy or complete “what were we thinking here”. (Like trying to understand and then maybe comforting your inner child who’s still screaming.)

If you’ll survive the first four tracks this playlist will become rewarding. Brace yourself!

Last but not least: in the next issue your playlist can appear in this place. So leave in comments your favourite music that you love to listen when you work.

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One last thing

In the comments below let me know what do you think about this issue of Freelancers A to Z. Tell me what do you like, what is not so good, what do you want more of. I need to know everything.

Also, if you like it, please sign up for updates, so that you will not miss the next post. You can find the form below.

The next issue will be available in two weeks.

Take care and have a nice time

Mariusz from the Time Continuum App

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