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Freelancers A to Z #009. How to Define Your Target Market and Boost Your Credibility as a Freelancer?

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Nowadays everyone is grasping onto any opportunity that comes close to the name ‘freelancing’. Working in the comfort of your home with a mug of whatever hot condiment that you want to sip on, like work on the task handed to you that would earn you a pat on the back from the boss residing on the other side of the screen.

That places a nice image, doesn’t it?

Ah, but freelancing is much more than this. It is a profession that requires constant availability and flexibility. If you’re a freelancer, you know where I am getting at. Freelancing business is rather critical and fragile. Yes, even working from home can create issues if one is not aware of how the world of freelancing functions.

Have you ever felt demoralized as a freelancer? That’s absolutely normal for a freelancer. A person new to the world of freelancing would feel rather intimidated by the overpowering work if not guided properly.

To make your experience with freelancing fun, productive, and a journey towards success, here are a few tips that might help you out!


How to Define Your Target Market?

Now, if you’re new to freelancing and need to know how you’re going to attract clients, you need to make sure that you know what your target market is.

This website is a helpful guide that gives insight on how to find and work for your target market.

If you do not have a clear idea as to what your target market is, how can you promise your clients that you are the best? Makes sense doesn’t it? You cannot be a graphic designer, and not know about the market where your skill will sell. Imagine the stress!

In order to understand what your target market is, you need to be sure of where your expertise lies.

Are you a content writer that can woo the client or is your photography out of this world? I do commend you if you can do both but focus on one target market at a time, try to manage your time and then go forth with another target audience.

You need to understand what problems you can solve with ease, what assistance you can provide to the person who has given you the task, and excel in it. It is also important that you evaluate the target market, does it have scope and is it reliable? If the answer leaves you with a smile on your face, then you are good to go. Choose what you think complements your skillset.


Get Rid of Negative Thinking and Boost Your Credibility!

It is only natural that a freelancer will be swarmed with negative thoughts if you follow a bland routine.

Begone negativity! For one who works from home needs to live a life that is free from all thoughts that might dull the mood. The website provides information and steps as to how you can ignore negativity and how it is important to display a positive attitude in front of the clients that you are dealing with.

This would ultimately take a toll on the work you spent so much time on, perfecting every detail. You doesn’t want to spend the day cursing yourself and drowning in a pool that brings no happy thoughts!

To be content with the work that you put forth and to make your client the happiest person in the world it is important that you say ciao to the negative thoughts.

This helpful and informative website would make you content with your work and you won’t lose your ground. This would not only boost your credibility in front of your client but make you proud of what you have achieved amidst all the unhappy thoughts.

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How to Learn to Deal with Distractions?

Where working from home has its positives and comfort, it is also evident that you can be distracted a lot too.

We tend to welcome distractions with open arms but it can cause hindrance in the work we do. It is imperative that as a freelancer we avoid distractions.

Where the internet is the source of your income as a freelancer, it can provide numerous distractions. The website mentioned above gives a detailed account on how to avoid distractions and make your work ‘likeable’ by the client.

You can start by creating a working environment within your house. Turn off your social media notifications, prioritize your tasks by numbering them of importance.

The website makes a point that listening to music while working gives you the motivation to do the task easily and boy, is that true. Listen to some music as you work on your recent project.

This doesn’t mean you don’t take out time to relax. In fact, to avoid a distraction that ends up being more than an hour, take small breaks so that you may focus on your work. Set small rewards for yourself each time you do a task without being distracted.

That YouTube video can wait for a while, it is important you get the task done.

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Take Control of the Stress

Where freelancing has its pros of being able to work in a comforting environment, the inevitable stress that comes along with it, cannot be ignored.

It is important that we learn to manage our stress and not let the work take a toll on us that might negatively affect our health too.

I know that the task is very important and I also know that you can do the task, but ask yourself if it is worth the stress. Do you want to spend the next couple of days crying over the fact that there is too much work to do? I know I don't.

With stress comes the unrelenting thought that we might be able to do the task at hand. The above mentioned site can help you out in taking control of the stress. The website enlists Maslow’s hierarchy and states that one need to focus on the fundamentals by realising that self-actualisation is important in order to do the best work.

Exercising and finding a way to soothe yourself is another point raised in the website which can ultimately diminish stress. Taking control and managing your stress is an important thing because we all want to be able to do work that might earn us respect from the clients.


How to Establish a Rapport with Your Client?

We come across numerous clients working as freelancers and it is important to build a rapport with them.

This is important because once a relationship of mutual trust is established between the two individuals indulging in an agreement related to work. Communication is vital if you do not want to end up in a pit somewhere.

In order to further build a rapport with your client, the website suggests that by taking a genuine interest in the tasks they hand over to you, and just by being yourself, you can create a relationship with your client that would benefit you both.

The client would see you as a reliable person and would trust you with any task. So build a rapport and relationship that would not only benefit the client but you as well.


All work and no play…

The last thing I would like to share with you is music. It has a special place in my life. For that reason I listen to music when I work. Hoverer, as some of you already know, it’s also because I want to cut off the noise caused by my neighbors.

This week something extra calm and boosting focus.

Last but not least: in the next issue your playlist can appear in this place. So leave in comments your favourite music that you love to listen when you work.

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One last thing

In the comments below let me know what do you think about this issue of Freelancers A to Z. Tell me what do you like, what is not so good, what do you want more of. I need to know everything.

Also, if you like it, please sign up for updates, so that you will not miss the next post. You can find the form below.

The next issue will be available in two weeks.

Take care and have a nice time

Mariusz from the Time Continuum App

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